What is internet? Advantages and disadvantages of using internet

What is Internet? Knowing this is very important for today’s youth because when it comes to online, banks, offices, Whatsapp, Facebook, payment apps etc. are dependent on the internet.

Ever since the advent of the Internet in the world, all work has become easy. With the help of this all online work is being done. You live away from each other but stay connected sitting at home, which never makes sense and the world becomes smaller in front of the Internet.

how internet works? 

As mentioned above, the Internet is a kind of network in which all the computers are connected to each other. All the data of the world is saved on the server. An Internet Service Provider is required to connect to the Internet. They have to get the connection allowed by paying some fee as per the requirement.

A few years ago, satellites were used to run the internet, but now cheap and strong optical fiber cable is used by the sea, so that we can use the internet fast. It would be wrong to say that the entire Internet is accessed by optical fiber cable only, intelligence agencies in the world access it through satellite.

When we want to know about someone, first of all, we search in Google through the browser installed in the laptop / computer / mobile. Then this request goes to “Internet Service Provider”. To know this information, Internet service provider searches on the server.

We get the information as soon as we get the details Server > Internet Service Provider > Browser.

Loss from internet

While there are more benefits from using the Internet, there can be some disadvantages as well.

  • It is necessary to be careful while using the Internet because data can be stolen by hackers if used incorrectly.
  • Some people use social media sites for entertainment, whose weakness is addiction. Internet addiction is a waste of valuable time.
  • Virus is a very big disease in any device, due to which all the data can be spoiled.
  • There are some such videos (Mms) on the internet, due to which it is harmful for the child under 18.
  • Your data can be leaked by putting personal information on a fake website.

Advantages of using internet

Nowadays, there is only benefit from the Internet because wherever you look, there is only benefit from taking computer, mobile, data, pack, in use.

  • Today’s youth use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp, Desivid App, education, it runs from the internet.
  • Browsers like Chrome, Opera Mini, Firefox, Microsoft Edge are used to find information.
  • Today’s youth are taking the help of internet to study.
  • Shopping sites and banking services are a major contributor to online shopping, transactions.
  • Somewhere the internet is being used to make audio calls and video calls.
  • The use of Email Id and Google Drive has become mandatory for sharing information and personal data.
  • Online application and other facilities are available for which internet is mandatory.
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